Saturday 2 May 2020

Good skincare doesn't have to cost the earth

Hi everyone,

My second post, here goes!  I thought I'd kickstart the blog with a few tips and tricks I've learned over the years in relation to skincare.

High end products are expensive and don't always give you the results you want and let's face it, they're often not affordable.  I don't have a great deal of spare cash at my disposal so this means I have a bit of work cut out for me when buying products.  That being said, my skincare and makeup routine contains both everyday brands with a few 'special' ones thrown in and I'm finally learning that skincare can be fun and doesn't have to cost the earth.  I'm now in my 30s and only just scratching the surface of a permanent and stable skincare routine!

Here are some of my tips and advice for finding skincare that works for you, for your pocket and for the planet! Disclaimer: This is not meant to be some preachy BS - just wanted to share my tips with you!

Try before you buy

Wherever possible, try before you buy.  This is such a simple idea but one that can be oh so helpful.  Some brands will offer testers or samples and that can give you an idea of whether a product suits you or works well with your skin.  This can save you a great deal of time and money in the long run.  For years I spent money on various skincare brands, only to realise the products didn't work or reacted with my skin - then it felt like a waste.  A good example was my current Bare Minerals Complexion Rescue cream.  I visited their counter in a shop and allowed the representative to try out different shades which she matched to my skin tone.  I was able to see how the product looked on my skin and how it felt (I wore it for the rest of the day and then returned to purchase the item later).  This meant I found a shade that was perfect for my skin-tone (woefully pale, looks orange in anything less than the lightest shade of Ivory!  Actually, their shade is 'Vanilla' and it's perfect).  Don't feel pressured to buy there and then.  Give it some time and return later to buy, if you don't feel entirely comfortable. 

Offers, offers, offers

Always, always look for offers.  The small amount of more expensive skincare and makeup I use is never purchased full price.  Examples include signing up to newsletters (you often get a decent new-customer discount) and shopping around to find the best price.  Some websites offer discounts for labelled brands that you use often, some offer free delivery, some you get samples with (see above).  Every little helps and I often save a decent amount on shopping around for a product.

 Do your research

In an ever changing world, doing a little reading around can be really beneficial.  Read reviews, read ingredient lists, watch videos - but make up your own mind.  It's useful to know what ingredients are in products.  Is that witch hazel going to irritate your rosacea?  Who knows but if some ingredients are irritants and if a product is chock-full of these, it might not end well.  Some skincare companies have really useful information on their websites but it can be hard to distinguish fact and evidence based products from over-hyped and marketed junk.  The same goes for packaging, do your research.  Is it recyclable?  What are the company's ethics?  Cruelty free?  Vegan?  Think about the things you care about and read around.  I've recently noticed companies using tins or glass packaging instead of plastic, which was far more appealing to my ever-aspiring desire to create less waste. 

What works for one person won't necessarily work for you

I am guilty of thinking this which is why I'd never preach it to anyone else.  For a long time I thought that if a product worked for Joe Bloggs (who also has closed comedones and an oily T-zone) that it would work for me.  Not true.  Everyone's skin is different.  So, yes, reviews are helpful and it's useful to gain perspective on how a product works for people with similar skin complaints or issues, but don't take it as gospel.  Read around more than just the hype or cult status of products. 

It sometimes takes time

Another thing I'm guilty of.  Listening to extremely grandiose and unachievable promises and thinking I'll definitely get the result I want and that it will happen quickly.  Wrong.  Some skincare takes time to work and it can be hard to know if a product is working or making your skin worse.  For example with exfoliating, I've found it can break my skin out before it actually starts to work.  Difficult to gauge but again, product research can help with this.  So, short of an obvious reaction to a product, give it a bit of time to work.  If you're still not happy, then don't re-purchase. 

Don't be afraid to mix skincare and use cheaper products

Cheap doesn't always equal bad and expensive doesn't always equal good.  It can be hard to find what works for you.  Trust me, I've tried so many products over the years.  I never realised I could mix skincare brands.  I always thought you had to use products from the same line to achieve good results but I'm learning that doesn't seem to be the case.  Useful because I'd be bankrupt if I used an entire line of high end stuff!  I've found that using just one product to combat a specific complaint (whilst using a fragrance free, cheap and standard brand for the every day) works quite well.

Less can be more

I'm finding that I often use less of a more expensive product.  My makeup lasts a good four months before I have to re-purchase.  I can't say there's a direct correlation because it's good quality but it's worth trying to use a little less product and seeing if you achieve the same results. 

Thanks for reading!

Natty x

Thursday 16 April 2020


Welcome to the blog

Hi everyone, my name is Natty and this is my new blog.  

The blog will focus on skincare and beauty items - all with a cruelty free edge!  I intend to share my beauty and skincare purchases with you, give honest reviews and comments and discuss new products I've tried.

A little about me and what I'd like to do; I am by no means a makeup aficionado.  My skincare routine is straightforward but my skin is not!  In the past I've suffered from acne, milia, redness, sensitivity, oiliness and dryness.  I appreciate that skincare is not always straightforward and I want to share my recommendations with you.  If something works for me, I'd like to share it! Likewise if it doesn't - it's always good to know what's out and there and whether others have found it to be effective or not. 

As for me, I'm 31 years old.   I'm an aspiring vegan (lifetime vegetarian) with two cats.  Love wildlife, the outdoors, walking, reading, long hugs and summer nights.  The name of this blog is inspired by the beauty of my favourite animal, the wonderful fox.

The aim of this blog is to help others and discuss products with you all.  Here we go!
Natty x